2/15/23: When Inadmissibility Strikes Again

Type: 2023 Webinar Recordings
Price: $103.50


Join ASISTA webinar, Inadmissibility Webinar Series:  The Case that Never Ends: When Inadmissibility Strikes Again, for a deep dive discussion into how to handle additional INA 212(a) grounds of inadmissibility triggered after the filing or granting of a survivor-based form of relief. If a noncitizen has triggered these grounds of inadmissibility, they are ineligible to receive visas or be admitted to the United States unless a waiver or exception applies. Further, if a ground is not properly waived, it may affect their future eligibility for lawful permanent residency. In this webinar, we will discuss how to address grounds of inadmissibility triggered during the adjudication of a survivor-based form of relief, inadmissibility grounds not waived at adjudication,  and new grounds of inadmissibility triggered after adjudication. 


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