Session 5: Common Ethical Conundrums in VAWA Cases

Type: April 2024: Virtual CLE Session Recordings
Price: $155.25


Session 5: Common Ethical Conundrums in VAWA Cases (1.5 hrs.) 

To close out the conference, we shift the focus from legal requirements to ethical ones. How can you ensure you are properly navigating sticky situations, like conflicts between principal applicants and derivatives? What about when your marriage-based case veers toward needing a VAWA self-petition, or even veers back into a marriage-based case after an assertion of abuse?  At registration, attendees are encouraged to submit ethical questions they have encountered in practice, for our national expert speakers to consider and answer here.


  • Elizabeta Markuci, Director of Hotline ServicesCatholic Charities Community Services.
  • Cyrus Mehta, Managing Partner, Cyrus D. Mehta & Partners PLLC.
  • Lia Ocasio, Staff Attorney, ASISTA.

Disclaimer: Content is current as of date of recording. It is your responsibility to ensure content is up to date. Written materials accompany the recording. Please note that you will not receive CLE credit for watching the recording.

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