3/27/24: Policy Updates and Immigrant Survivors

Type: 2024 Webinar Recordings
Price: $103.50


Join ASISTA webinar, "Policy Updates and Immigrant Survivors", for a thorough review of policy updates relevant to practitioners serving immigrant survivors. Current topics include an overview of the new USCIS fee rule, Policy Manual guidance on I-751 petitions, and current guidance on expedite practices for immigrant survivors in removal proceedings. During the webinar, ASISTA will share USCIS’s answers to our questions at recent engagements and respond to questions raised by our members in Technical Assistance appointments and our Experts listserv. ASISTA welcomes input from the audience on their recent experiences with these policy developments.


  • Kelly Bryne, Staff Attorney, ASISTA 
  • Lia Ocasio, Staff Attorney, ASISTA 
  • Cristina Velez, Legal & Policy Director, ASISTA

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