Session 5: What’s in a Waiver

Type: 2024 March Virtual CLE Session Recordings
Price: $155.25


Session Five: What’s in a Waiver (1.5 hrs.)

In this session, we will focus on inadmissible survivors of human trafficking. We will discuss how the waiver standards differ and overlap for T and U visas—and adjudication trends you need to know. We’ll then move on to discuss the impacts of inadmissibility on T and U adjustment of status applications, both on paper and in practice.


  • Tim Fallon, Supervising Attorney, Her Justice.
  • Lia Ocasio, Staff Attorney, ASISTA.

Disclaimer: Content is current as of date of recording. It is your responsibility to ensure content is up to date. Written materials accompany the recording. Please note that you will not receive CLE credit for watching the recording.

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