Session 3: Labor-Based Deferred Action and ...

Type: 2024 March Virtual CLE Session Recordings
Price: $155.25


Session Three: Labor-Based Deferred Action and Continued Presence for Trafficking Survivors (1hr.)

It has been just over a year since DHS announced a deferred action program for undocumented workers involved in labor disputes or investigations into workplace violations. In this session, experts will discuss this form of relief, the intersection of Labor DA (or DALE) with U and T visa relief, and the comparative benefits and strategic considerations of Deferred Action or Continued Presence for T-eligible survivors of trafficking.


  • Mary Yanik, Professor of Practice and Dir. of Immigrant Rights Clinic, Tulane Law School
  • Cristina Velez, Legal & Policy Director, ASISTA.

Disclaimer: Content is current as of date of recording. It is your responsibility to ensure content is up to date. Written materials accompany the recording. Please note that you will not receive CLE credit for watching the recording.

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