Session 4: Two Points of Distinction

Type: 2024 March Virtual CLE Session Recordings
Price: $155.25


Session Four: Two Points of Distinction: Law Enforcement Cooperation Requirements and How Harm Relates to Each Visa (1.5 hrs.)

Session Four brings you a deep dive into some disparate elements of T and U visas. First, we discuss the requirement for law enforcement cooperation and how to prove it for either visa. Next, we discuss the different reasons it may be relevant to show that harm resulted, or is likely to result, from the trafficking victimization. For T visas, especially, we will also examine how the cooperation component and level of harm suffered can be related, and, for both visas, we will talk about how the human impact of trafficking can and should be woven into arguments for many elements of the application.


  • Hilary Chadwick, Senior Staff Attorney, Anti-Trafficking Initiative (ATI), Sanctuary for Families.
  • Rebecca Eissenova, Senior Staff Attorney, ASISTA.

Disclaimer: Content is current as of date of recording. It is your responsibility to ensure content is up to date. Written materials accompany the recording. Please note that you will not receive CLE credit for watching the recording.

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